Kyriakos Mikelis is a Lecturer at the University of Macedonia / Department of International & European Studies, specializing in International Relations. He completed his (post-)graduate studies at Panteion University (Athens, PhD) and the University of Kent at Canterbury (MA). His particular academic interests relate to International Relations theory, the field’s history, international politics and European integration etc. He has published in both Greek and international scientific journals and he has participated in several international scientific conferences. His recent publications include articles published at the French Journal for Media Research (‘‘Towards a Narrative of ‘Neocolonial Power Europe’? Postcolonial Thought and theEurozone Crisis’’, 2016) and the European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities (‘‘Realist stronghold in the land of Thucydides? Appraising and Resisting a Realist Tradition in Greece’’, 2015).